Thursday, November 28, 2019

XYY Syndrome Essays - Syndromes, Cytogenetics,

XYY Syndrome subject = Intro to Biology title = XYY Syndrome XYY Males XYY Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which affects males due to an extra Y chromosome. Healthy males have 46 chromosomes including one X and one Y chromosome. Men with XYY syndrome have 47 chromosomes, two of which are Y chromosomes. It is not known why the extra Y chromosome occurs. The disorder is present at birth and is estimated to occur in one out of every one thousand live births. In very rare instances, the syndrome has been passed from father to son, but in most cases heredity cannot be established. The characteristics of XYY syndrome are often very subtle and do not indicate and serious chromosomal disorder. Therefore, males with this condition are frequently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The primary symptoms include tall or very tall height which becomes evident at the age of five or six, and severe cystic acne during adolescence. Lower than average intelligence and/or behavioral problems, such as an explosive temper, aggressive or defiant actions, or sometimes antisocial behavior are other symptoms. Some individuals with this disorder may also have language difficulties or psychosexual problems. XYY Syndrome is often undiagnosed until tests for other medical reasons are performed. Other than being unusually tall and/or having behavioral problems, in many cases, these boys or men appear normal. Physical characteristics of XYY Syndrome may include an exceptionally long head with a slightly protrusive forehead, long hands and feet, long ears, mild indentation of the breastbone, and/or large teeth. Poor chest and shoulder muscle development is also common. Even though males with this syndrome are large, they tend to be weak and uncoordinated. Some may have a fine intentional tremor, such as shaking hands when the try to drink a glass of water. Occasionally, a bony formation across the joints in the two bones of the forearm resulting in the stiffening of the affected joints may occur. Other occasional symptoms are undescended testicles, a small penis, or an opening located on the underside of the penis. For a long time it was thought that XYY Syndrome individuals had aggressive tendencies often associated with criminal behavior due to the extra Y chromosome. Epidemiological studies suggest that one out of every 35 institutionalized male juvenile delinquents has XYY Syndrome. However, it is now believed by some researchers that this behavior is not due to the extra Y chromosome, but rather to the lower than average intelligence and education levels of these men. More research is needed to understand the role of this chromosomal abnormality on behavior.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Teen Sex

Many parents are not doing their part in educating their children about safe sex because they are embarrassed or they just do not want to come to terms that their children are growing up. If the parents were doing their job then â€Å"more than half the teenagers in the United States† would not be having unprotected sexual activities. Having unprotected sexual activities has a lot of risk and many teenagers are not aware of these risks due to lack of availability to condoms. Therefore, condoms should be made available to high school students by means of vending machines or school nurses, because it will lower the risk of teenagers getting pregnant, a sexually transmitted disease, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A school in St. Paul opened a health clinic, which gives routine checkups and make condoms available along with education on how to use them. After doing so, the pregnancy rate dropped by â€Å"50 percent† (Bender). According to Brophy, â€Å"teen mothers cost the United States more than 34 billion dollars a year.† Siecus pointed out that in â€Å"September 1997† a study showed that making condoms available increased the use of condoms by teenagers that were already sexually active. If the United States can spend this much money on teen mothers then they have the money to better educate them. This will create an abundance of savings on tax money spent each year. A study showed that there are â€Å"more then 85,000† cases of AIDS reported among people between the ages of â€Å"25 to 29†. These people had to have contracted this disease in their teenage years because AIDS has about a â€Å"10 years† incubation period (Weiss). AIDS has been stereotyped as a gay disease. It is not a gay disease because both men and women get this disease. In Columbia County alone there has been â€Å"116 cases† of AIDS reported â€Å"since 1983† and â€Å"60 percent† of them were men. â€Å"32 new cases† has been reported â€Å"since 1997† a... Free Essays on Teen Sex Free Essays on Teen Sex Many parents are not doing their part in educating their children about safe sex because they are embarrassed or they just do not want to come to terms that their children are growing up. If the parents were doing their job then â€Å"more than half the teenagers in the United States† would not be having unprotected sexual activities. Having unprotected sexual activities has a lot of risk and many teenagers are not aware of these risks due to lack of availability to condoms. Therefore, condoms should be made available to high school students by means of vending machines or school nurses, because it will lower the risk of teenagers getting pregnant, a sexually transmitted disease, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A school in St. Paul opened a health clinic, which gives routine checkups and make condoms available along with education on how to use them. After doing so, the pregnancy rate dropped by â€Å"50 percent† (Bender). According to Brophy, â€Å"teen mothers cost the United States more than 34 billion dollars a year.† Siecus pointed out that in â€Å"September 1997† a study showed that making condoms available increased the use of condoms by teenagers that were already sexually active. If the United States can spend this much money on teen mothers then they have the money to better educate them. This will create an abundance of savings on tax money spent each year. A study showed that there are â€Å"more then 85,000† cases of AIDS reported among people between the ages of â€Å"25 to 29†. These people had to have contracted this disease in their teenage years because AIDS has about a â€Å"10 years† incubation period (Weiss). AIDS has been stereotyped as a gay disease. It is not a gay disease because both men and women get this disease. In Columbia County alone there has been â€Å"116 cases† of AIDS reported â€Å"since 1983† and â€Å"60 percent† of them were men. â€Å"32 new cases† has been reported â€Å"since 1997† a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Decision Making - Research Paper Example they make their decision and do not wait for more options or alternatives. Thus they generally look for answers which are good enough and may not be the best. Although leadership and management functions vary widely from organization to organization, the function of decision making is common to all. Managers are always taking a decision , small or big and all these are important in the sense that they affect the individual, team or overall performance of an organization. All people have their own style of decision making and they also differ in the amount of information they use in decision making. Some reach conclusions from just a few facts while some take their own time by gathering and studying and analyzing large amounts of information. The Figure below shows the difference between the low and high information users. It shows that early in the process, the knowledge is going from zero to something greater and this information is most likely to be important. Thus Satisficers, make the decision at point B, when they have learned enough while Maximizers, keep evaluating information until they simply are learning nothing new about the pr oblem. Simon (1955, 1956, 1957) introduced an important distinction between maximizing and satisficing as choice-making strategies. In maximizing decision making - the idea is to find the best possible solution and requires an exhaustive search of all possibilities. To satisfice is to look for good enough possibility and stopping when this good enough solution is found. In decision-making, satisficing explains the tendency to select the first option that meets a given need or select the option that seems to address most needs rather than the "optimal" solution. Generally managers go for Satisficing decisions when the decisions are of small significance. Moreover, in daya to day functioning, many situations arise where they have take a decision quickly. In such acses also. A satificing decision making is made. A manager cannot wait for all alternatives or study each and every report to when he is facing time constraints. It is extremely cost - ineffective to take lots of information into co nsideration for day - to-day decisions. It is not that Satisficers have low expectations, rather they accept that there is more than one option that will satisfy them. And Once they are able to find an option that meets their initial criteria they are content to conclude their search. On the other hand, senior mangers who need to take into account the objectives and the goals of the company, need lots of information and analysis before they can take decisions. At senior levels, it is required and essential to act as a maximizer and try to review each and every alternative before arriving at a decision. This is because a decision at this level has far reaching consequences on the company's policies and direction. They are the ones taking the high stakes decision and thus keep on looking for the best of all the options, establishing new criteria as they go. Maximizers may do better objectively, but they do worse subjectively. They feel worse about their decisions and are less happy with the results than the satisficers. Therefore , in the long run, that is for maximizing profits and building strategies foe overall business performance, managers generally act cautious and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Community Service Component Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Community Service Component - Research Paper Example It will enable students understand South African culture in a more affluent way. They will also see the difference between American contemporary art and South African art through a lecture presentation at the end of each show focusing on the history of South Africa. Feedback cards will be availed at the end of each show to verify if this project is productive. If successful, other institutions might want to prepare for the same project in various parts of America and Africa. Context The audience will include faculty, staff and students of Indiana State University while the University Gallery will host the show. This art show will enable Students to learn beyond their own culture. The show will enable students of Indiana State University to learn the differences and similarities of South African culture and their own culture. From this project, faculty, students and staff can learn about the background of South African culture before attempting to study in that country, go for a holid ay in, initiate a project in that country or even taking an employment opportunity in South Africa. This is a knowledge based art show and it will offer an opportunity for students to interact with the various artists invited to perform in the show. The lectures given during the show will focus on the background of the country, the various tribes of the country, and the cultures of the dominant tribes. The University gallery has an amazing room for art shows and will be perfect for this project. Community Connections In order to hold the art show, there will be need for manpower to keep an eye to every action taken during the hours of operation. This will ensure there is no logistical, operational and administrative problem. They will introduce artists to the audience before every performance, they will direct the audience on where to sit and on what to expect at the beginning of performances and lectures as well as keep an eye on every art work presented at the show. This will ensu re the pieces of art are not vandalized or stolen. I will need help in arranging the gallery and setting it up for the show. This help will come from my colleagues in class. After the show, cleaners will be required to clean the gallery in preparation for the next event. Budget African art pieces are expensive; therefore funds will be needed to buy these pieces of art. This works of art can be found in various auditoriums in the United States of America or in African States. Shipping these pieces of art is a challenge and requires lots of money and therefore, the best way to get these artifacts is buying them in America. A fund raiser will be needed in order to get the required amount of money. Fundraiser cards will be printed and distributed to all students of Indiana State University to help in raising the required funds. The department of History will be the major sponsor of the event. Outreach and Promotion Flyers will be given to all students of Indiana State University adverti sing the event. Posters will be printed and displayed all over the University premises advertising the venue of the art show. The official website for the department of History of Indiana State University will be used to advertise the event. The website will have an article describing the event, its objectives, the time and place of the event. Examples of various South African artworks will be displayed in posters and the department of History library. Radio will also be used to advertise the event. It will insist that the event is only for students of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Aviation Security Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aviation Security Development - Research Paper Example The responsibility of the act’s implementation is shared among airlines and airports. The airports’ responsibility is to ensure that only those who have authorized access to the airfield can get in. the responsibility of airlines under ASIA is to screen passengers and baggage. Most airlines normally contract the services of private security companies to carry out the screenings. Under the Airports Security Improvement Act, it is the responsibility of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate the overall activities of airports, security companies and airlines. A shift has occurred on the emphasis and need of aviation security as a response to emerging incidences in the recent past (Elias, 2009). ASIA was passed into law in an effort to accelerate the development of an efficient Explosive Detection System (EDS) as a means of enhancing security in airports and airlines. According to Price and Forrest (2008, p14), the Security Act also required FAA to certify th e EDS that could â€Å"alone or as part of an integrated system detect under realistic air carrier operating conditions the amounts, configurations, and types of explosives which would be likely to be used to cause catastrophic damage to commercial aircraft.† This means that the EDS that were certified had to have mechanisms that could detect the slightest portions of explosives in passengers and their luggage. Explosive Detecting Systems (EDS) Explosive Detection Systems are machines that have been design to work like MRIs. EDS machines are used to analyze the contents of passengers bags before they board an airplane. The explosion of the Pan Am flight in Scotland could have been avoided had there been effective explosives’ detection mechanisms in place at the airport. The explosion was caused by a minimal amount of semtex which is highly explosive plastic. The semtex was well hidden in a cassette recorder that had been packed in a travel suitcase. After this incident , all airlines were required to purchase advanced machines that could detect explosives (Price and Forrest, 2008). The best at this time was the Thermal Neutron Analysis (TNA) machine which was not effective enough to detect certain levels of explosives such as the one that caused the Pan Am flight to crush. Another problem of TNA machines was that they were quite expensive, cumbersome and too heavy. The ineffectiveness of these machines is what led to the development of explosive detection systems. EDS machines work by blowing or wiping a piece of cloth over a passenger or baggage in order to detect the smallest amounts of explosive residue (National Security Council, 1996). The use of EDS has been approved for the following reasons: To increase the resistance of aircraft to bomb blasts. EDS machines have the ability to detect very minute amounts of explosive residues, even when they are very well hidden. Since most bombs are made using explosive materials, EDS can be used to detec t and find them before they can make their way into aircrafts (General Accounting Office, 1994). The use of EDS is also approved a means of ensuring maximum security at airports. These systems are very effective in the detection of explosive material that can cause a security nightmare in airports and aircrafts (Elias, 2009). By making use of the detection machines, would be terrorists and other people with ill intentions will think twice before bringing anything that is considered insecure in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Types of Conflict

Types of Conflict When you think of the different types of conflict, you might instantly think of the ones referred to in literature, especially in fiction. They can be applied to real life, of course. However, there are types of conflict which are easily identifiable in our contemporary times. Before going any further, let us first give a brief description of what conflict is. There are a lot of ways to define conflict due to how it is used in many areas. Hence, to keep it simple for the layman, conflict pertains to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities, thus resulting in an antagonistic state. Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Each of us possesses our own opinions, ideas and sets of beliefs. We have our own ways of looking at things and we act according to what we think is proper. Hence, we often find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios; may it involve other individuals, groups of people, or a struggle within our own selves. Consequently, conflict influences our actions and decisions in one way or another. Conflict is classified into the following four types: Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict between two individuals. This occurs typically due to how people are different from one another. We have varied personalities which usually results to incompatible choices and opinions. Apparently, it is a natural occurrence which can eventually help in personal growth or developing your relationships with others. In addition, coming up with adjustments is necessary for managing this type of conflict. However, when interpersonal conflict gets too destructive, calling in a mediator would help so as to have it resolved. Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual. The experience takes place in the persons mind. Hence, it is a type of conflict that is psychological involving the individuals thoughts, values, principles and emotions. Interpersonal conflict may come in different scales, from the simpler mundane ones like deciding whether or not to go organic for lunch to ones that can affect major decisions such as choosing a career path. Furthermore, this type of conflict can be quite difficult to handle if you find it hard to decipher your inner struggles. It leads to restlessness and uneasiness, or can even cause depression. In such occasions, it would be best to seek a way to let go of the anxiety through communicating with other people. Eventually, when you find yourself out of the situation, you can become more empowered as a person. Thus, the experience evoked a positive change which will help you in your own personal growth. Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that happens among individuals within a team. The incompatibilities and misunderstandings among these individuals lead to an intragroup conflict. It is arising from interpersonal disagreements (e.g. team members have different personalities which may lead to tension) or differences in views and ideas (e.g. in a presentation, members of the team might find the notions presented by the one presiding to be erroneous due to their differences in opinion). Within a team, conflict can be helpful in coming up with decisions which will eventually allow them to reach their objectives as a team. However, if the degree of conflict disrupts harmony among the members, then some serious guidance from a different party will be needed for it to be settled. Intergroup conflict takes place when a misunderstanding arises among different teams within an organization. For instance, the sales department of an organization can come in conflict with the customer support department. This is due to the varied sets of goals and interests of these different groups. In addition, competition also contributes for intergroup conflict to arise. There are other factors which fuel this type of conflict. Some of these factors may include a rivalry in resources or the boundaries set by a group to others which establishes their own identity as a team. Conflict may seem to be a problem to some, but this isnt how conflict should be perceived. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for growth and can be an effective means of opening up among groups or individuals. However, when conflict begins to draws back productivity and gives way to more conflicts, then conflict management would be needed to come up with a resolution.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource :: Renewable Energy Environment Essays Papers

Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource Graphics Missing Boyle states that â€Å"Bioenergy is the general term for energy derived from materials such as wood, straw, or animal waste, which were once living material†(p 106). The energy stored in a living organism even when it’s dead is known as biofuel. This fuel is capable of producing energy. A biomass used for creating bioenergy in Belize is bagasse. The bagasse that is produced in Belize is created by the Belize Sugar Industries. Agriculture is the backbone of the Belizean economy, and one of the most important crops is sugar cane. â€Å"In 1994 there were 2,165 cane farmers cultivating sugar cane in Belize, most in small farms in the Orange Walk and Corozal districts. This paper provides the reader with a brief insight on the sources of Belize’s electricity. Boyle states that â€Å"Increased recovery of wastes, combined with improved efficiency of conversion to electricity, could result in up to fifty GW of generating capacity from the sugar industry world wide† (p 119). Bagasse is the biomass remaining after sugar cane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. It is made up of fifty percent of fiber, forty-eight percent moisture, and two percent of sugar. The web encyclopedia states that â€Å"a sugar factory produces nearly thirty percent of bagasse out of its total crushing† ( Bagasse is often used as a primary fuel source for sugar mills, when burned in quantity; it produces sufficient heat energy to supply all the needs of a typical sugar mill, with energy to spare. Boyle states â€Å"The total energy content of the annual residues of the world’s two main crops, sugar and rice, is estimated as about 18Ej- similar to the total for temperate crops† (p 119). In Belize sugar cane and rice are two of the crops that produce capital for the country. However, Belize is still having a problem supplying its residents with a steady flow of electricity. The electrical power receive goes on an off from time to time. â€Å"During the dry season Mexico supplies more than fifty percent of Belize’s electricity† (Belize Electricity Limited). The rest of the electricity is produces through diesel generators and the dams. The dam’s supplies should produce about thirty percent of the electricity needed. When Mexico is in need of electricity they cut the electricity that they sell Belize and use it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Great Northern American Case Study Essay

The textbook defines perception as the process by which the individual selects, organizes, interprets, and responds to information. The Oxford dictionary defines perception as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses; the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. Your perception is your reality, therefore statements such as, â€Å"the customer is always right,† hold true to a certain extent. What people perceive is what they believe, based on what they see, hear, and think. Perception affects decision making and the choices people make. This is why it is imperative not only for the salespeople of Great Northern American to understand how people form perceptions, but this is important for any person looking to build business relationships and loyal customers. Customer satisfaction is crucial to create business relationships and repeat customers. To be successful, salespeople must quickly identify opportunities and predict t he changing needs and wants of customers. â€Å"Recent advances in customer equity research have rekindled the importance of understanding how customers form perceptions of satisfaction and quality (Blattberg and Deighton, 1996).† It is also essential for Joe Salatino’s sales force to understand that the drivers of customer satisfaction may shift over time. Things happen gradually and people’s perception may change. Why do consumers choose certain products to purchase over others? According to Don Shapiro, President and Founder of First Concepts Consultants, Inc, â€Å"People say yes because they see a high perceived value in what is offered for sale.† If perceptions of value are high, the more likely the sale will be made. â€Å"Closing the sale is primarily about raising the customers’ perceptions of value as high as possible (Shapiro, 2012).† This is where things like subscribing to prospects’ local newspapers and researching things they value come into play. â€Å"The ave rage experienced and trained sales person does not go far enough in developing these things with their prospects. They do enough to be a good producer but  lose sales they could have closed had they just done a bit more. They simply do not fully understand what is going on inside their prospects’ minds, everything that might affect the prospects’ decisions and what would increase the prospects’ perceptions of value the most (Shapiro, 2012).† Some statistics say the top ten percent of salespeople comprehend what goes on inside a perspective client’s mind, their understanding of how people form perceptions gives them a competitive advantage. Attribution is the method in which people use information to make conclusions about the causes of behavior or events. The ability to determine how people make attributions is a tremendous positive for the salespeople of Great Northern American. This element gives them an opportunity to take the information in order to convince perspective clients to make the purchase. The 30-person sales force of the Great Northern American Telemarketing Company works on commission and bonuses, therefore I believe the expectancy theory would be most appropriate for Joe Salatino to apply. â€Å"In the inquiry of behavioral issues related to sales force compensation, expectancy theory has enjoyed substantial popularity. The expectancy theory suggests that both the desirability of the reward or compensation (referred to as valance) and an individual’s estimate of the likelihood of attaining that reward (referred to as expectancy) are important determinants of a salesperson’s behavior. In the context of sales compensation issues, expectancy theory suggests that any method of compensation should (1) tie reward to performance, and (2) strengthen the salesperson’s perceived connection between performance and the reward received (Chowdhury and Massad, 1997).† Motivational strategies are necessary for the expectancy theory, â€Å"motivation and performance are positively correlated. An increase in the level of motivation should correspond to an increase in the amount of effort expended in selling tasks, which in turn should improve performance (Chowdhury and Massad, 1997).† According to the case study, the Great Northern American salesroom features all kinds of motivational devices such as rotating blues lights along with noise and a fast pace, all which create a perfect environment for the expectancy theory. Executing the expectancy theory can prove to be a challenging, yet purposeful task that goes beyond an annual review. Six implementations Joe Salatino could use to apply the expectancy theory include: 1) to make expectations clear, 2) provide continuous feedback, 3)  use corrective actions privately, 4) believe in your employees, 5) use praise tactics publicly, and 6) make rewards achievable. According to David Burkus, the editor of LDRLB, employees without goals will be naturally aimless. Joe Salatino should provide his sales team with clear achiev able goals and make sure there are measurable standards in place to evaluate their performance. Giving immediate, continuous feedback allows an employee to know that their actions affect not just them, but the company as well. Joe should keep in mind that employees are motivated by setting goals and by receiving continuous feedback on where they stand relative to those goals. Recent research shows how rewarding it can be when employees are aware they are making progress. Most people are discouraged by negative feedback, especially if they feel it’s embarrassing. Therefore, the most adequate place to discuss an ongoing, performance-related issue or correcting a recent, specific error is in an office, with the door closed. Joe should also believe in his employees; the perception of a leaders’ trust is the key factor of revolutionary leadership. Make announcements of praise publicly, make everyone aware when an employee has made a particularly outstanding presentation, sale, or any other notable achievement. Even though competition at Great Northern American is stiff for the sales force due to the internet users, it is still important to make bonuses and rewards achievable. Vary the basis for the awards, for example, top sales might be one category, but other categories can include top research or most diligent. Distinguish that numerous types of merits can motivate your employees to focus on additional areas of their performance. Other ways Mr. Salatino can help improve employees’ performance is by helping employees to experience the mastery of their work and then add challenges as their mastery starts to unfold. Leverage social persuasion by igniting faith in employees while simultaneously arranging situations for their success. Highlight realistic models of engagement. Help employees develop endurance while reducing anxiety and depression so they know they can do what is necessary to produce a certain outcome. Self-efficacy refers to people’s belief in their ability to muster up what is necessary to exercise control over life’s challenges. â€Å"People with stronger self-efficacious beliefs tend to set higher personal goals and remain committed to those goals in the face of adversity. They also view challenges as tasks to be mastered  and recover quickly from setbacks. Self-efficacy is particularly relevant to success in sales where adversities such as rejection, stress, and competition are unavoidable aspects of the profession. When salespeople hold strong self efficacious beliefs, they are better able to adjust to adversity and more likely to remain committed to assisting customers, making sales, and meeting quotas. In contrast, for salespeople who lack confidence in their professional abilities, these adversities increase their sense of helplessness and decrease their commitment toward goal achievement, often leading to withdrawal from clients, the organization, or the profession (Lewin and Sager, 2010).† Joe Salatino can leverage an understanding of the value of self-efficacy to ensure he hires the most successful salespeople in a number of different ways. He needs to be sure not to confuse self-esteem, which is having a good view of yourself with self-efficacy, which is belief about your ability and capacity to accomplish a task or to deal with the challenges of life. By keeping these two things distinct, Joe can choose better qualified candidates for Great Northern American. There is a major variation in the degree to which salespeople perceive job conditions as stressful. Research has shown there are huge differences in the way individual salespeople respond to job stressors and view workloads. Self-efficacy is one of the determining factors. You can give identical sales situations to two people and it will be viewed very differently depending on the level of self-efficacy. A salesperson with low self-efficacy may find the assignment intolerable and extremely stressful, whereas an individual with high self-efficacy may perceive it as practical and not stressful at all. Concluding that low self-efficacy can make people believe that tasks are harder than they actually are; and may view job expectations as contrasting and confusing. Individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy are more capable of dealing with higher job demands and possess the ability to view difficult situations as a challenge rather than seeing them as a threat. Social cognitive theory suggests that individuals form beliefs about what they can and cannot do. Those beliefs are used to set individual goals, to predict consequences of behaviors, and to initiate actions required for goal achievement. Self-efficacy is the central mechanism of self-regulation. People’s beliefs in their efficacy influence the choices they make, their aspirations, how much effort they mobilize in a  given endeavor, how long they persevere in the face of difficulties and setbacks, whether their thought patterns are self-hindering or self-aiding, the amount of stress they experience in coping with taxing environmental demands, and their vulnerability to depression. Sales research views self-efficacy as a critical variable that can influence salespeople’s perceptions and responses to challenges and negative situations on the job. People with higher self-efficacy believe in their ability to handle their work well and are more likely to become successful in their careers. Self-efficacy enhances employees’ willingness to exert effort and master a challenge and thus, plays an important role in increasing work effectiveness, job satisfaction, and productivity. Because salespeople are monitored on their individual performance, experience high rates of rejection, and practice more autonomy, it is imperative for Mr. Salatino to select highly self-efficacious individuals. In addition to searching for individuals with excellent communication skills, those that possess an upbeat attitude and are highly self-motivated, it would be to Great Northern American’s advantage for Joe to search for individuals who also possess conscientiousness and extraversion. Having the knowledge that self-efficacy is derived from mastery experiences, social persuasion, and stress resilience will also aid in selecting the most successful salespeople to help build an even more successful company now and in the years to come. References Chowdhury, J., & Massad, V.J. (1997). An eclectic paradigm of salesperson compensation: toward a comprehensive framework of the determinants of sales compensation modes. Journal of Marketing Management (10711988), 7(1), 61-80. Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2012, November). Attribution Theory (Weiner) at Retrieved November 1st, 2012 from Lewin, J. E., & Sager, J. K. (2010). The Influence of Personal Characteristics and Coping Strategies on Salespersons’ Turnover Intentions. Journal Of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 30(4), 355-370. Shapiro, D. Why people buy: conclusions from 30 years studying prospects and salespeople. July 30, 2012. Retrieved on November 1, 2012 from

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Country of Haiti Review Essay Sample

The Country of Haiti Review Essay Sample The Country of Haiti Review Essay Sample The Country of Haiti Review Essay Sample Haiti Overview Haiti is located in the western part of Hispaniola Island. Two peninsulas of this country are separated by Gonave Gulf (Wordatlas, 2015).  The current work provides the general overview of Haiti and the connection between its biophysical characteristics, natural catastrophes, history, economy, politics, and international relations. This island country with the unusual flora has the developing economy. Geographical Position of Haiti This country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the North and Caribbean Sea in the South. The biggest lakes are Lake Azuei and Lake of Miragoane (Wordatlas, 2015). The main river of the country is Artibonite. The climate is humid tropical with fogs and drizzle from November till January and wet weather from February till May. Average annual rainfalls vary in different parts of the country from 140 cm in the northern peninsula to 200 cm in the southern peninsula (â€Å"The climate of Haiti†, 2006). Average winter temperatures range from 15 C to 25 C. The average summer temperatures vary from 25 C to 35 C (â€Å"The climate of Haiti†, 2006). The landscape of the country is rugged and mountainous with three major massifs: the Massif du Nord (in the northern part of the country), the Massif de la Sell (in the eastern part of the country), and the Massif de la Hott (in the western part of the country) (â€Å"Geography†, n.d.). The highest point is Pic La Stelle in the East. It elevates 8,793 ft. above the sea level (Wordatlas, 2015). One of the most notable landscape features are fluctuating elevations with various microclimates. The flora and fauna of Haiti is rather diverse. More than 4,500 flowering plants can be found in this country. One third of them are considered as endemic. Unfortunately, there is no concrete statistics concerning the fauna of Haiti because of poor records and elevations. Some species have rather small populations or live in isolated areas. Population Characteristics The population of Haiti is roughly three hundred and fifty persons for every square kilometer. However, the most densely populated regions are the urban centers, valleys and areas within the coast. The population comprises less than twenty million, and it was estimated by the UN in the year 2011 to be 10.1 million. The modern Haitians are those who descend back to the black slaves, while the rest of population is instituted by the revolt survivors. It is the law that everyone in Haiti is black regardless of his or her skin color. The minorities are comprised of those with Italians, French, Polish, Armenians Dutch, Arabs and Spanish. There are also Haitians who live abroad in the United States, Cuba, France, and Jamaica among others. Most Haitians have no access to health facilities and children do not get vaccinated. The common death causes in this country are diarrhea, respiratory infection, meningitis, and HIV/ AIDS. Ninety percent of children in the country suffer as a result of w ater-borne diseases, as well as intestinal parasites. Thirty thousand Haitians get infected with malaria every year. Water-borne diseases comprise protozoa and bacteria, typhoid fever, diarrhea, and hepatitis. It is known that at least seventy-five percent of the citizens do not get any form of running water. Hospitals have insufficient resources and personnel of healthcare. There have not been enough houses and thus living conditions are very pathetic. Nowadays, the population of Haiti is 10,480,000 people and it tends to increase only by about 1.9 % annually (â€Å"Haiti population clock†, 2015). Due to political instability, economic downfall, and numerous diseases, people prefer to leave this country. There are about 70,000 emigrants each year (â€Å"Haiti population clock†, 2015). There is no open statistics concerning immigrants because people tend to leave this country due to the stated issues. Major health issues are cholera, malnutrition, and AIDS/HIV (Moloney, 2013). Only 1.9% of Haitians have access to health insurance (Forbes, 2013) The Haitian Human Development Index (HDI) is rather low – 0.456 (United Nations Development Programme, 2013). This figure is formed by increasing life expectancy and education and decreasing Gross National Income. Demographics Demographic situation plays a huge role in the economic development of any country as a part of economically active population defines the opportunities and capacities of this state. It is rather important for the definition of country’s place in the system of the international economic relations. According to the data of UNCTAD, the population of Haiti by 2013 comprised of 9.7 million people. Annual increase of population is 1.84%, which ranks the country at the 67th place in the world. The male population composes 4.8 million people and the number of the female population is 4.9 million respectively (UNCTAD). The Worldstat Info (2015) states that in the Republic of Haiti the birth rate exceeds mortality (23.87 born per 1000 people and 8.1 dead per 1000 people respectively). However, a bigger problem in the demographics of the country is high maternal and infant mortality rates (300 dead per 100000 childbirth and 52.44 dead per 1000 born). The average age of the male population is 21.1 years in comparison to 21.6 years of the female population. The life expectancy of men is 60.8 years and women – 63.5. The density of population constitutes 350.3 people per square kilometer. Haiti is characterized with the shortage of resources because of a big population of a small country, which results in poverty, hunger and diseases. These are the reasons for a low level of average life expectancy (Worldstat Info, 2015). The number of urban population in 2010 composed 52% of the total population, whereas rural 48% respectively. The coefficient of urbanization of the population is 3.9% a year. The balance of migration based on a difference between a number of immigrants and emigrants is 6 migrants per 1000 people. The HIV-infection is the main health care problem of the Haitian nation. The level of illiteracy is 53% of the whole population, which is rather low. The population of the country is almost uniform in terms of the ethnic structure. It means it has a powerful potential. Consolidation of a society, development of education and sciences and an increase in the level of literacy of the population are necessary for the improvement of the situation in the system of international economic relations (Worldstat Info). Language and Religion The population of Haiti speaks the Haitian Creole language developed on the basis of French. The language represents a modified French lexicon of the 18th century finding the influence of the languages of the Western and Central Africa with small Arab, Spanish, Portuguese and English impregnations. The grammar is significantly simplified and spelling, as a rule, corresponds to pronunciation. The language has two dialects: Fablas and Plateau. Since 1961, the Haitian Creole is the second official language of Haiti along with French. About 80% of the population of the country are Catholics and 16% Protestants. However, up to 70% of Haitians along with Christian doctrines also practice â€Å"voodoo†, a pantheistical Afro-Christian syncretic cult. Voodoo is considered one of the directions of Catholicism. It was recognized by Vatican in 1860, but the Haitians claim that their religion is more ancient and deeper than Christianity as it absorbs the best of all religions of the past and the present. Given that Blacks were brought to Haiti from Africa, but were not local natives like in the majority of other American colonies of the European states in West Indies, led to the fact that African features prevailed in the life and culture of Haitians. Present Haitians kept the African way of life in many respects. In particular, although almost all Haitians consider themselves Catholics, the African pagan voodoo religion dominates slightly diluted with the Catholic terms and ceremonies. After the earthquake in 2010, the human values shifted toward a desire to survive and receive necessary health care. In addition, the population believes in the existence of zombie in Haiti. Government The Republic of Haiti is a presidential republic with a multi-party system. The president is the head of the state and a prime minister is the head of the government. The prime minister is appointed by the president and approved by the National Assembly. The executive power belongs to the president and prime minister, whereas the legislature belongs to the government and two chambers of the National Assembly of Haiti. Modern structure of the political system is regulated by the Constitution adopted on March 29, 1987. Rene Preval is the president of Haiti. The president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Haiti. He conducts negotiations and concludes international agreements, publishes laws and proposes the prime minister’s candidacy. All decisions of the head of state are subjects to the approval by the National Assembly (Parliament). The president holds executive power together with the government. The National Assembly is in charge of the legislature and consists of two chambers the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Both chambers are chosen by the universal direct ballot of citizens senators for 6 years and deputies for 4 years. The structure of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate is not constant and defined by the electoral law. The National Assembly elected in 2006 consists of 30 senators and 99 deputies. Value System The value system in Haiti is the result of the mixture of French and African cultures with a noticeable influence of Catholicism. Spiritual culture of Haiti composes the core of the value system. Under the influence of French, black women wore the French toilets and sent children to study the national culture hence inoculating the cultural and moral values to their children. Trend of the Haitian HDI This country has a rather high death rate (84 deaths per 1,000 people) and birth rate (20 per 1,000 people) (â€Å"Demographic statistics for Haiti.† n.d.). Haiti is at the third stage of demographic transaction characterized by the establishment of business connections that provide manufacturing of commodities (they serve as the labor supply regions), industrial activities, self-constructing houses, and shift of the population from rural to urban life. Economic and Resource Characteristics Haiti has the developing economy. The majority of the population works in such fields as agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining industry (extraction of bauxite, copper, marble, and calcium carbon). The country is mostly oriented on import. Haiti’s top imports are rice, pal, oil, raw sugar, and refined petroleum from such countries as the USA, China, Peru, Indonesia, and India. Haiti exports knit apparel and vetiver oil to the USA, Canada, Mexico, Vietnam, and China. The Gross Domestic Product is only $8 billion with the growth rate of 3.4% annually (Forbes, 2014). Haiti has a tremendous unemployment rate (40.6 %) (Forbes, 2014). â€Å"Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a per capita income of $400, in rural areas $100† (Haiti Health Ministries, 2012). This creates the background for one of the major advantages of this country, which is cheap labor force. That is why, in in the nearest future global companies will move their manufacturing faci lities to this country as it has been done by a Korean textile manufacturer called Sae-A Trading Company (Watkins, 2013). Haiti’s economy is very low in terms of GDP per capita as a result of corruption, poverty, and poor education. Haiti’s market economy and the labor costs are low. Its export access to the US market is tariff-free. Farming in small scale supports about twenty percent of the entire population. Frequent natural disasters are also a giant problem in Haiti. Inflation rate is greater than anywhere else. The fiscal sustainability is aided by the international assistance. Improvement of business has got lots of undermining by corruption and ineffective framework of the judiciary. The institutions mandated to govern are weak and limited in reconstruction since the 2010 earthquake. Public spending has faced rough times because the politics are very unstable. Those in government are abusing and misusing the public money for personal use. Major Internal Issues Nowadays, the Haitian government develops various initiatives for the improvement of the economic situation. It closely collaborates with the UN for launching the Development Program called the Laboratory for Innovation and Economic Development (IDE) Project directed at training young specialists in the field of business management who have innovative ideas and can present their own projects (United Nations Development Programme, 2015) The UN also renders support in the establishment of 39 long-term projects directed at the improvement of governance, reduction of the negative influence of disasters, and protection of the environment (United Nations Development Programme, 2015). One of the top priorities of the cooperation between the UN and the Haitian government is the raise of the capacity and human resources of public administrations in order to meet such issues as the lack of civil servants. The emphasis is made on regional ad urban planning, election process, and justice. This initiative is reflected in the performance of trainings for judges and clerks concerning registry techniques and violence. Additional attention is paid to finding a solution to such a problem as an extremely high disaster risk. Location of this country makes it very vulnerable to various disasters. The UN provides operational support in preparation for emergencies, establishment of the Haitian disaster risk management system, organization of disaster response simulation exercises, and rendition of support for the recovery of ruined objects. Low level of living, lack of means of living, and amenability to various disasters have created the background for another environment issue. Haitians have cut down almost 99% of forests because they need fuel for cooking (United Nations Development Programme, 2013). Furthermore, deforestation leads to soil erosion and disappearance of some species of flora and fauna. For the rectification of this issue, the UN provides support in the ecosystem management in the form of planting seedlings. Besides, this organization helps Haitians with management of their health issues like tuberculosis and AIDS. For the last five years, two thirds of people with tuberculosis have been cured, 1 million people have been tested on HIV, and more than 190,000 people have received the antivirus therapy (United Nations Development Programme, 2015). Special medical education programs have been established all over the country. However, at the current moment there is one more problem in Haiti. Both community and public infrastructures have suffered from a tremendous decay. Numerous roads are destroyed. Hence, there is no connection between cities. People cannot receive medications, buy products outside of their towns, or go to work in other locations. The majority of Haitians travel by bicycles, motorbikes, private cars, or on foot. Almost all Haitian roads are unmarked or unpaved. There are two major reasons for the stated problems: harsh climate and insufficient funding. Additional attention should be paid to the inobservance of traffic laws because there are no training programs or licensing for drivers. Speed limits are seldom posted and are usually ignored by drivers. The police do not have manpower to enforce them. That is why, there are numerous accidents on Haitian roads. Moreover, the situation is worsening due to the following factors: overloading of vehicles, absence of brakes on vehicles, mechanical failures, mountainous roads, and poor maintenance. Besides, Haitian drivers are quite aggressive to each other, police officers, and foreigners. Moreover, notwithstanding the fact that drunk driving in Haiti is strictly prohibited, people frequently sit down behind the wheel after drinking, especially at night. Usually, the right way of driving is not observed in this country. Hence, it is advisable to stop and check that there is no oncoming traffic eve n if the person has the right to way in order to eliminate any possibility of accident. The overall situation on Haitian roads is chaotic. Unfortunately, the government has no ability to change this situation because of the lack of adequate resources. International Role In the regional and global context, Haiti has a rather weak position. It serves as the raw materials base and the location of cheap labor force for more developed nations. The Haitian government cannot build steady relationships with governments of other countries and international organizations. Further development of the country is limited by the considerable poverty cycle, high level of income inequality, political instability, indebtedness, and political barriers to international investments. The Haitian government establishes peaceful relations with numerous countries all over the world, including the Dominican Republic (the only neighboring country), Canada, the USA, Taiwan, Chile, France, Spain, etc. It is one of the original members of the United Nations (the former League of Nations). These relationships have the aim of obtaining support from these countries and developing trade. However, compared to other developing nations, the level of living in Haiti is rather low. Hence , the country can propose only cheap labor and resources to other countries. It is also worth noting that the country controls the Windward Passage that could be easily closed for the disruption of the maritime traffic. Political instability that has been present for several centuries has a considerable negative influence on the economy and social life of people. Haitians suffer from earthquakes and natural disasters, but cannot obtain financial, medical, and technical help from other countries and international organizations because of poor governance and decay of the transportation system. People live in the constant economic downfall that creates the barrier to further economic development. Nowadays, Haiti is considered to be the country that can supply only cheap products and minerals, as well as the low-cost labor force. Hence, future development of this country is connected with the transition of manufacturing facilities of global corporations to Haiti. The History of Haiti Haiti has a rather complicated history. This island was explored by Columbus in 1492 (â€Å"Haiti’, 2015). During that century, native citizens were ruled by Spanish conquerors. In 1697, this island became the French colony and the motherland of slaves for French aristocrats. The slave rebel in 1791 led to the proclamation of the declaration of independence in 1801. During the rule of Napoleon, the slave movement was suppressed. However, in 1804 a new independent country called Haiti was formed. For several centuries, this country suffered from revolutions and shifts of power. The situation sharpened by constant disputes with Santo Domingo. However, the economic and political situation in the country was improved in the beginning of the 20th century after its occupation by American mariners and acceptance of American receivership. This brought stability into the country. Further political situation is also characterized by shifts of power, which have led to economic, health, and social crises. In the second part of the 20th century, Haiti suffered from AIDS, starvation, and cholera. These diseases have led to the collapse of the tourism industry. Additional attention should be paid to the catastrophic earthquake of January 12, 2010 (with the 7.0 magnitude) that killed thousands of people and destroyed hundreds of buildings and objects of infrastructure (â€Å"Haiti†, 2015). The situation has been worsened by endemic poverty and cholera. Various countries and international organizations have tried to render financial and medical assistance to Haiti. However, due to political instability, people have not received this help till recently: â€Å"hundreds of thousands were still living in tent camps while tens of thousands were staying in buildings badly damaged during the earthquake† (â€Å"Haiti†, 2015). Haiti occupies the western third of the Haiti Island in the group of the Big Antilles. The other part of the island belongs to the Dominican Republic. The history of Haiti has been surreal and bloody since its discovery by Christopher Columbus on December 6, 1492. Indians that were occupying the island called it Haiti, which means â€Å"mountainous†. When in 1493 he returned to Espanola, Columbus found out that all garrison was killed by Indians in revenge for a bad treatment. Historical and Settlement Characteristics The brother of the admiral Columbus, Bartolomà ©, continued the discovery further and colonized the island. Spaniards, who declared the whole island to be their possession, colonized mainly its eastern areas. In 1625, English and French pirates came to the island, turned it into a base and increased a number of raids against Spaniards. In 1697, Spain conceded the western third of the island, called San Domingo, to France. During the 18th century, San Domingo turned into one of the richest French colonies. Sugar crane, indigo, coffee, cocoa and cotton were grown on the plantations. By the end of the 18th century, the population of a colony totaled 42 thousands of white people, 50 thousands of free mulattos and the Blacks who had property but were limited in rights, and 452 thousands of Black slaves (UNCTAD). In 1789, the revolution burst out in France, which was directly reflected in the Haitian history. The armed struggle between the royalists and republicans has led to a creation of a colony. Conflicts among the white led to the strengthening of mulattos who started the revolt and demanded the same rights with Europeans. At last, in 1791 a grandiose revolt of Black slaves burst out. On January 1, 1804, the general Dessalines declared the independence of the Haiti state. The history of Haitians can still evoke sympathies. Due to the first in the history victorious revolt of slaves, Haiti became the first independent Latin American country and the first state of Blacks (UNCTAD). In the beginning of the 20th century, there were many revolutions. The governments changed fast and the agriculture was in a full decline as there were almost no industries. In 1915, USA arranged an intervention in Haiti, having occupied the country without any resistance. Haiti stayed under American occupation until 1934. Americans created telecommunications and constructed a number of secondary educational institutions in Haiti. Tyrannical dictatorship of a notorious Francois Duvalier has prevailed for 23 years in Haiti. Haiti the Less Developed Country Haiti is the oldest republic of the Afro-American people in the world and the second independent state (after the USA) in North America. It is also the first country in the world where black people won in 1804. Considered the descendants of slaves, they compose the majority of inhabitants of Haiti, namely 90% (Worldstat Info). Once being one of the richest and highly productive colonies in the world and a pearl of France, at present Haiti is the poorest state in the Western hemisphere and in the world. Given essay will provide a brief overview of the country’s history, demographics, language, religion, government, value system, business practices and attitudes toward foreign investments as well as consumer behavior and marketing mix of Haiti. Haiti, a full official name the Republic of Haiti, is the state in the western part of the Haiti Island. The eastern half of the island is occupied by the Dominican Republic. The city Port-au-Prince is the capital of Haiti. The population of the country is 10,033000 million people. The Republic of Haiti also includes the coastal islands of Tortue and Gonav. In the north, it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the south by the Caribbean Sea. Haiti is the third biggest country in the Caribbean Sea after Cuba and Dominican Republic (UNCTAD). Similar to other developing states and regions, Haiti has many factors obscuring its economic development, as well as general development in the country. Haiti has a very impressing history, being the second country to gain independence and the first black republic. The good history is going down the drain with overwhelming issuing marring the day-to-day life in Haiti. Political and civil unrest, as well as the lack of proper governance, has been a great hindrance to the development of Haiti. After gaining freedom from a dictatorial regime, Haiti is struggling to gain political stability, as well as to establish the rule of law. Weak exercise of the rule of law and poor government is the key factor, affecting the use of public resources. With an uncertain political climate, Haiti experiences low investments with government screening undermining investment in other regions. Just like any other developing nation, Haiti goes through political and civil unrest. Historically, Haiti helped its neighbors in their fight for independence, but the current fight in Haiti is hard to be resolved by the international community. The US tried to assist in removing the dictatorial president from power, but the great support that he had made things very complex (Hallward, 2007). Haiti has great potential, which can be unraveled for the advantage of its economy. Emigration from Haiti to the United States is considerably high as people seek for better opportunities. Haiti has rich natural resources, which are close to depletion as a result of neglect. The forest cover in Haiti is less than 10 percent of the entire country’s land. In comparison with Dominican Republic, Haiti is far much bare than the latter. The ecosystem of Haiti is adversely affected by human activities of farming and poor mining practices. The coastline is still tampered with since fishing in Haiti has not been expanded or modernized. There are few parks (the La Visite National Park and Pic Macaya National Park), in which animals are fed by people. Mostly, animals live in the forest, which is quite small and sparsely populated (Smartt, 2008). After its exploration by Columbus, Haiti came under the Spanish rule in 1492 and later became a colony of France in 1697 leading in the sugarcane production by slaves. Haiti gained independence in 1801 after a serious revolt considered the largest in the world history. Haiti is the worst country when it comes to poverty in the Western Hemisphere. This is because of the black inferiority, slavery heritage, and racism among others. Ninety percent of Haitians are descended from slaves. The story of Haiti withstanding and resisting every effort made by outside invaders in the name of colonists was a surprise. The blacks were able to defeat and gain a victory over French soldiers. However, after the defeat, the French demanded compensation for the plantations taken away from their people in Haiti. It cost the Haiti thirty percent of the national budget. Haiti’s birth was violent. Democracy was fragile. The problems of the country were internal. Some leaders wanted to rule for life. There were divisions that created chaos. Brutality moved on for centuries. Terror spread beyond the limits killing innocent mortals. Beginning from 1915, the United States occupied the waters of Haiti. The aim was to eliminate the constitution that was forbidding foreign ownership of land and solidify American economy control. American officials made a declaration that the government of Haiti needed reforms as it was in bad shape. The Americans started another fight amongst themselves. The war came to an end, and schools, clinics, and roads were left for the Haitians. Nevertheless, Haiti was so badly hurt that the wound remains in memory till today. The problems that Haitians have cannot be solved externally. The real freedom has to flow from the citizens themselves. Doing Business in Haiti is hectic because the procedures required are lengthy and slow. A business can be opened after 204 days (Hallward, 2007). Criminal dealings have heightened in Haiti. The police and political elites are in cooperation with criminals to do drug trade. The Haitians survive with the subsistence economy. There is export of fishing, agriculture, and forestry. Hills have hindered agriculture in the rural area since they have sheltered much of the terrestrial of Haiti. Coffee, mangoes, and cocoa yield big profits. Ferocious rivalry in the global market has seen deterioration in sugarcane production. Timber production declined because woodlands have vividly dispersed. The fish breeding brings almost five thousand tons per year. Minerals comprise calcium carbonate, copper, gold, and marble. Industries produce detergents, flour, edible oils, butter, and cement. The major issues in Haiti have brought about suffering to both the economy and the citizens. Conflict has existed since independence. There are constant disagreements between the government, the citizens and the outside nations, especially the US. The economy also experiences conflicts. The exports are low and of poor quality. Land is occupied by mountains, and the government is doing nothing to aid the citizens. The governments are always creating chaos. They do not work on the things that help the mortals. The major concern of the citizens has been from public spending to drug trafficking by government officials and police. Governance is poor with corruption levels beyond limits (Farmer, Kozol, 2006). Opening a business, which is meant to be a simple task, takes ages so that those who bribe get through faster. The police are not protecting people, but rather working in corruption zones. There are not enough hospitals, and the available ones have no facilities. Medical professional s are insufficient, poorly trained, and low compensation demotivates them. Children never get vaccinated. Most of them die because of diseases that the government could prevent. The citizens never access clean water for drinking. Separatism is in existence. Some citizens support the overthrown governments. There is no unity as the nation is divided into groups of persons with similar interests, such as drug cartels, and politicians with those supporting them. The environment is in crisis. Deforestation is happening in Haiti with forests declining (CIA, 2014). Earthquakes are destroying humanity and resources. Poor housing has led to poor living conditions. There are no toilets for both public and private use leading to the diseases like diarrhea. Over the years Haiti has had good international relations. With the onset of a dictatorial rule, the United States tried to offer help to liberate the country from the dictatorial rule. With that aid, Haiti got rid of the dictator. They conducted presidential elections on 2012 December, which were marred by irregularities. The dictatorial president accused the US of forcing him out of power, but the Americans dismissed the accusations (Fry, 2007). The international community in conjunction with the Haitian authorities denied the dictator entry to Haiti regardless of his passports. In 2004, American Forces were keeping peace and order in the Haitian town Port-au-Prince. One of Port-au-Prince’s streets was declared by the UN as the most dangerous in the world (Koplow, 2004). There had to be a rerun of the elections in 2013. In the history of Haiti, it offered financial aid to its neighbors to help fight the colonialists in return of the slavery eradication. In addition to the he lp of the World Bank and the IMF, other developed countries have also extended their financial aid to Haiti for years. When Haiti could not pay off the debt, they were wavered in 2005. The international community has made efforts in assisting Haiti to maintain stability, which does not seem to be bearing fruits. All the same, as many developing countries take to respond to international efforts, Haiti may also respond sooner or later to these efforts. Apparently, Haiti performs poorly economically, ranks low in life expectancy as well as in education. The international community has made efforts to improve the infrastructure of Haiti with little or no success. The greatest menace of Haiti’s development is corruption. The aid that the international community, the IMF and the World Bank direct to Haiti for the development of infrastructure goes to personal accounts. Poor governance, weak execution of the rule of law, and weak judiciary have made it impossible to apprehend corrupters in the country. Corruption is also a reason behind poor policies in the country, which mar investment and business operation. Being an agricultural economy, Haiti has a long way to go to see the development. There is a dire need for political upgrading to ensure proper policies are in place for development. A stable political climate is necessary for the civil unrest to come to an end. Even though the post-development ideology has worked for many developing countries, Haiti needs to reconsider its approach to the same. The key need in Haiti for the country to achieve development is political stability. With political stability, development policies will be in place, peace will be achieved, civil unrest will come to an end, and regional relations will be extended. With those achievements, Haiti will be in the way to development. The Republic of Haiti occupies the western part of Hispaniola Island. The previous and current economic and political events are closely connected with the country’s biophysical overview and history. In this work, additional emphasis will be made on international relations with various countries and organizations. The current essay will show a close interrelation between biophysical and demographic factors, history, economy, and politics of Haiti. Business Practices and Foreign Investments International movement of the capital has an essential impact on Haiti in terms of international economic relations as it erases the borders between the national farms of various countries. A special value of this purpose belongs to the development of foreign direct investments (FDIs), which lead to the formation of multinational corporations. Haiti participates in the international movement of the capital mainly as the country-recipient of the international economic aid. UN and its dedicated organizations including non-governmental organizations, private companies and the country’s government provide economic support to Haiti. A destructive earthquake that happened on January 12, 2010 became a huge tragedy for the country. As a result, 220 thousands of people including 102 UN employees died, thousands were wounded or remained disabled and 1.5 million people became homeless. The earthquake caused a serious damage to the insufficiently steady economy and weak infrastructure of Haiti and slowed down the promotion of the country on the way of national formation. Many countries rendered humanitarian and financial aid to the country. However, governmental support was not enough for the country. For the rescue of Haiti, it is necessary to change its economic model. At present, robbery and theft are among the most spread practices in Haiti (World Economic Forum). The republic of Haiti is open for foreign investments. The government of Haiti achieved a certain progress in recent years, having improved the legislative base concerning export, import and foreign investments from other states. Since 2004, the government of Haiti with the assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) executes monetary, fiscal and currency policies directed at the creation of stable macroeconomic environment and favorable investment climate of the country. These policies include a reduction of the interest rates for the purpose of simplification of the access to credits and establishment of a stable exchange rate. In June 2009, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund wrote off a debt of Haiti in the sum of $1.2 billion, having recognized a relative macroeconomic stability of Haiti and observance of the conditions of the IMF program (IMF). In Haiti, there is the Center for Investment Facilitation (CFI) created in 2007. The activity of CFI includes the optimization of investment process due to the simplification of the procedures connected with trade and investments, and also the attraction of investments into the most priority sectors of the economy. Investors in Haiti have the right to run business as individual entrepreneurs, owners of the limited liability, joint stock (corporation) or branch of the foreign company and cooperative. Corporations are the most commonly used form of a business entity in Haiti. Foreign investors are allowed to own 100% of the company or a subsidiary (World Economic Forum; Caribbean Export). Foreigners can create joint ventures on the territory of Haiti. The right of distribution of shares is reserved by the owners of the joint venture. However, the sales and purchases of shares of a company are regulated by the state. Nevertheless, business people can freely dispose own property and assets of the enterprise according to the laws of the Republic of Haiti. The main sectors of economy attractive for foreign investors include the agriculture, mining and power industry. Besides, the food manufacturing industry is the priority sector for investment. Such advantage as the existence of fields of copper, lignite (brown coal), manganese and a large-scale deposit of bauxites became the subject of interest to investors from more developed countries aimed at the exploration, production and processing of minerals (World Economic Forum). In addition, the geographical location of the country with an access to the sea, which allows to develop trade and economic relations with other states, has a special value. For the evident representation of the dynamics of the direct foreign investments received by the Republic of Haiti, the statistical data of the UNCTAD is presented in the Table 1. (UNCTAD). Since 2000, the inflow of FDIs into the economy of Haiti changed has been changing gradually. However, the tendency of its increase is observed in the dynamics. The years 2006, 2010 and 2011 were especially favorable in terms of foreign investments, which ended with $160 million, $150 million and $181 million correspondingly. However, the world financial crisis had an impact on the inflow of investments. Only in 2010, the stream of FDIs reached $150 million. In 2014, FDIs composed $230 million (UNCTAD, 2015). Based on Haitian vision of a developed country by 2030, the economic strategy is designed to facilitate the emergence of a strong, diversified, dynamic, competitive, open and inclusive economy extending over a broad territorial base. Two major options should mark the economic path including strong growth and enhanced attractiveness of the economy in a situation that is rebalanced from a social, environmental and spatial standpoint (IMF). Thus, Haiti is the country that regularly receives economic help from the international organizations for the restoration and development of its economy. Besides, many world countries invest into the economy of Haiti, namely into its most favorable branches. Nevertheless, the dependence of Haiti on the foreign help is great since its support covers about a third of the public expenditures. Certainly, all this affects an economic situation in the country. In relation to other countries, the national debt promptly increases as well as the influence of these countries on the Republic of Haiti. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix Majority of foreigners perceive Haiti as a concentration of poverty, dictatorship, AIDS and mystical ceremonies of Voodoo. Governmental policy aimed at the attraction of investments and tourists was based not only on the climatic advantages of the area, but also on the energetic power of the mystic place. Negative features of Haiti were veiled under the image of mystery resulting in the increased flows of tourists into the country (World Economic Forum). The volume and structure of consumer behavior directly characterize the standards of living of the Haitian population. Consumer behavior of the Haitian population considerably changed following social losses, which escalated due to the increase of uneven income distribution, strengthening of differentiation, growing scales of poverty and deepening of social injustice in the society. If Haiti aims at the sustainable development and investments, it should receive necessary resources at the global economic level. It means that the country should represent itself as a platform for a start and implementation of the most perspective world’s projects. Haiti should become a country attractive for investments, moving, living and running a business (UNCTAD). The marketing of Haiti includes activities undertaken for the purpose of creation, maintenance or change of the relations or consumer behavior of social communities concerning the definite territory or resources natural, technical, financial and labor. Application of the territorial marketing in Haiti can help educate and increase patriotism of the local population, make it attractive for tourists, businessmen and investors as well as develop and promote the country. Moreover, it concerns not only the country in general, but its particular regions, municipalities, cities and settlements (World Economic Forum). Marketing mix represents a set of practical measures influencing the market or the adaptation of country’s activities to a situation in the market, and also timely and flexible response to its changes. In recent years, practically all Haitian industries have experienced a decrease in production caused by unstable financial position of the country, lack of own current assets, insufficient investments to the country, etc. The marketing mix of Haiti is represented by various factors, the combination of which allows solving economic issues. All elements of the marketing mix should be developed on a strategic level for the long-term planning of the investment programs in the country. To sum up, the Republic of Haiti is the poorest state in the western hemisphere and one of the poorest countries in the world. The GDP of the country is less than $5,000 per capita. More than 80% of the population is below the poverty level. Money transfers from emigrants and increasing volumes of investments represent the main source of income in Haiti. The country has the deposits of gold, bauxites and copper, which are strongly underdeveloped. The main industries include sugar, flour-grinding and textile manufacturing. For the promotion of Haiti on the financial market, it is necessary to develop a favorable investment climate in the country. Government should apply a differentiated policy approach toward each investment project. Such marketing policy orientation will allow considering the definite requirements of investors for the potential project activity leading to a considerable increase of country’s competitiveness.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

History That Characterize The essays

History That Characterize The essays The arts are defined through areas of visual art, literature and music. These are the fundamental areas in which many categorize art but are not limited within only these boundaries. There are even many cultures where art cannot be defined, because art within itself is abstract. This creates a realm in which the quality of the art is greater than just an ordinary significance. The meaning where art derives is through the expression that you perceive them to be oriented. This influence includes the many factors that play a role in shaping ones understanding and acceptance of art is from beliefs acculturation, and enculturation. All these factors contribute to molding individuality. The molding of perception conceptualizes that art is found within the natural sciences and history. The different courses and different fields of study are like diverse windows into what is held true through each perspective with emphasis and yet, each focusing on the same world. Art is a form of perception of reality and so are the teachings of history. History is a perception of reality, which therefore makes history a form of art. History can be compared to a work of art. The key factor, which connects both history and art, is perspective and in art there is an extent of reality that the artist creates where there is selective information that the historian portrays to the reader in what he wants to relay. In history, there are different perspectives to wars, fights, and the truth. With each individual that explains the truth, there is his or her perspective and bias that follows. There are always polar opposites, rarely a middle ground or gray area. Either this was a good piece of artwork or this was a bad piece of artwork. This side was the right one or this side was the wrong one. There is no finite word to describe a not bad, but not good piece o ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personality and the Workplace Paper Situational Analysis Essay

Personality and the Workplace Paper Situational Analysis - Essay Example For the purpose of this study, humanistic or existential will be the personality perspective in focus. The scenario will involve two parties of equal rank who will develop a conflict based on perceived socio-cultural differences. Both of them are associated to cultural groups, have had no significant histories of conflict with co-workers and are both being considered for promotion. Humanistic perspective will be applied to the analysis of the scenario with a particular focus on how personality affected the situation. In doing so, recommendations for the resolution of the existing conflict and preventing future ones can be determined. The conflict develops between the Product Development Manager (PDM) and the Sales Manager (SM) of a company due to the former's proposition that the new product, a new type of breakfast cereal should acquire halal certification. The PDM believes that gaining such a certification, reflecting that the product conforms to Muslim religious conditions for food preparations will reflect the product's sensitivity to the Muslim community and follow the merchandising strategies being implemented by international retail companies (Patton, 2006). However, the SM believes that because of considering the existing delay in the launching of the product, the certification has to be foregone and furthermore, he believes that the certification will not impact significantly the sales performance of the product which he considered as his primary priority. Interview of both managers reveal that though they often have had to work together, they have little knowledge of the other's private life. Upon further review, there seems to be also little common ground in their backgrounds. The PDM migrated to the country from Pakistan in his teens with his family because of threats of violence from extremist Muslims. His father supported their family by being through his professorship in one of the city's leading universities. He grew up in a traditional household and has had strong ties to the Muslim community particularly in the promoting cultural and social awareness. He believes strongly in social and religious tolerance and often deliberately avoids having to voice out personal opinions on sensitive socio-cultural issues. In contrast, the SM has been often described as and "all-American guy". He grew up in a predominantly Caucasian community and has strong ties with community through his involvement in local sports and recreation clubs. His interest in business was encouraged by his parents, both of whom had very successful business careers. He is very task-oriented, young in comparison to the other managers, has very strong opinions and does not hesitate to express himself. Analysis In the case presented, the contrasting personalities of the PDM and SM contribute to their conflict. Since part of conflict is being attributed to race, ethnicity or culture, there is heightened sensitivity in the reaction of the parties involved (Kibria, 2000). Because these factors are considered intimately with identity and self-esteem, communication and interaction can be significantly impeded (Reeve, 2005). Current research show that personality interaction is greatly influenced by external factors, particular if such factors impact social perceptions or characterizations (Biesanz et al,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Marketing - Essay Example Procter & Gamble has one of the largest portfolios of consumer brands that are commonly known in the household, such as Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Pantene, Bounty, Always, Folgers, Downy, Crest, Olay, Pringles, Actonel, Wella, lams, Gillette, and Charmin. Its community consists of over 138, 000 employees in over 80 countries worldwide, making P&G a company whose products reach households of different nationalities. The company started as a small, family-operated soap and candle business, which later transformed into a big transnational corporation that provides products and services of superior quality and value to consumers in more than 180 countries. Procter & Gamble is a Fortune 500, American global corporation based in Cincinnati Ohio whose focus of manufacturing is a wide range of consumer goods. As of 2008, it has placed itself as the 14th largest US company by profit and 23rd by revenue. In 2007, it was placed 10th in Fortune’s Most Admired Companies list.1 It was recorded t hat it spent more on U.S. advertising than any other company in 2007, doubling the $2.62 billion spent by General Motors.2 Procter & Gamble was founded in 1837 by William Procter, a candle maker, and James Gamble, a soap maker. William Procter was an immigrant from England while James Gamble was from Ireland who both settled in Cincinnati and met each other when they married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris.3 As electricity became more and more common, the company stopped producing candles in 1920 and as it grew larger in the early 20th century, it began building factories in other parts of the United States because of a high demand of products outgrowing the Cincinnati facilities. P&G also became known for its research laboratories in the 1900s, in which chemists produced new products. It also pioneered in the area of market research, probing on product appeal and consumer needs. When radio became popular in the 1920s